Winneshiek County IAGenWeb
1915 Farmers' Directory of Burr Oak Township this page was last updated on Sunday, 06 October 2013 |
This Table was transcribed by Bill Waters from a scan provided by The University of Iowa Libraries Iowa Digital Library
Abbreviations: sec, section; ac, acres; wf, wife; ch, children; ( ) years in county
Burr Oak Post Office. |
Abrahamson, Martin, sec 35, ac 140, wf Lena, ch Inez, Arthur, Glen, (33). |
Arnold, E. P., sec 14, ac 79.25, sec 23, ac 39.50, (40). |
Arnold, James A., sec 14, wf Mary J.Askelson, Lars, sec 35, ac 80, wf Ber-tha, ch Lena, Ninda, Josie, Korsie, (1). |
Benley, Col., ac 120, wf Lillian, ch Mildred, Jessie, (32). |
Carsel, Mrs. J. C., sec 32, ac 65, chGladys, Samuel, Bernice, Audra, father Samuel, (36). |
Cox, P., R1, sec 26, ac 40, sec 27, ac 40, wf Lora, ch Harry, Lu, Bernice, Alice, Eva, (35). |
Dawley, C. L., sec 26, ac 80, sec 32, ac13.15, sec 33, ac 53.33, wf Cordelia, ch Edwin C., Thomas, Mable, Clar-ence, Harry, Grace, John, Jessie, Lottie, Rosco, David, (49). |
Donlan, M. J., sec 22, ac 79, sec 23, ac 40, sec 3, ac 40, wf Mary J., ch Wal-ter, Mary, Leonard, Catherine, Alice, |
Emery, George, sec 21, ac 20, sec 28, ac 80, wf Cassie, ch Mazie, Herbert, Cecil, Helen, Ted, (41). |
Frye, Frank, sec .., ac 80, wf Maud, ch Jennie, (33). |
Gilbertson, Bennie, sec 33, ac 60, sec 34, ac 40, wf Jane, ch Elmer, (4). |
Harvey, H. P., sec 29, ac 104, sec 32, ac 51.3, sec 28, ac 4.7, sec 33, ac 40, wf Myrtle, ch Roy, Florence, Warren, Pearl, (29). |
Johnson, C. J., sec 33, ac 40, wf Eliza-beth, ch Emma, Dora, Elmer, Leon-ard, (42). |
Kelly, H. N., sec 29, ac 40, sec 28, ac260, wf Sarah, ch John, Mary, (54). |
Knox, Thomas, sec 27, ac 120, wf Marie, ch Regina, Grace, Mildred, Vera, (37). |
Lovlien, Henry, sec 28, ac 62.5, sec 33, ac 20, sec 27, ac 12.5, wf Ottilie, ch Olaf, Mable, Harold, (43). |
Mathews, Mary, sec 35, ac 40, ch Christ, Jim, (60). |
Nelson, M. J., sec 34, ac 76, sec 33, ac 39, (2). |
Nelson, N. J., sec 28, ac 160, sec 29, ac40, wf Minnie, (35). |
Nolte, Benjamin, sec 24, ac 125, wf Bertha, ch Inez, (2). |
Nolte, Simon, sec 24, ac 125, wf Han-nah, ch John, (1). |
Porter, C. A., sec 27, ac 147, wf Sarah, (50). |
Price, M. F, sec 26, ac 80, sec 27, ac 40, sec 2, ac 40, sec 27, ac 160, wf Alice, ch Florence, (45). |
Robinson, Anna L., sec 26, ac 40, sec 35, ac 40, sec 34, ac 40, ch Claude, Ruth, Lloyd, (55). |
Seelye, A. A., sec 26, ac 103, rents sec 26, ac 128, wf Edith, ch Philip, Har-old, Alice, (22). |
Sheley, G. C., sec 22, ac 120, wf Maria, ch Harold, Lester, Elmer, (42). |
Steele, Lawrence, sec 34, ac 160, wf Clara, ch Florence, Lester, Ellen, (20). |
Underbakke, Louis & Elmer, sec 33, ac 200, ch Anna, (1). |
Ward, Ernest, sec 28, ac 80, sec 21, ac 40, wf Lydia, ch Paul, Ordin, Rex-ford, Dorothy, (40). |
Wilbur, H., sec 24, ac 12, mother Ma-ride, (54). |
Winter, William, sec 34, ac 220, wf Em-ma, ch Ida, William A., Louise, Carl, August, Emilie, Anna, Frederick, Henry, (11). |
Canton Post Office. |
Armstrong, Joseph E., R2, sec 29, ac 124, sec 32, ac 32, sec 31, ac 55, wf Ella, ch Raymond, Bert, Sadie, Lor-na, (26). |
Cassman, W. J., R2, sec 20, ac 184, sec 17, ac 40, wf Rose, ch Willard, Charles, Josie, (52). |
Gaul, M. F., R1, sec 30, ac 236.6, wf Theresa, ch Irva, Lucy, Willard, Terence, Agnes, Clarence, MichaelF. Jr., Leo, (43). |
Gossman, J. W., R2, sec 30, ac 154, wf Helen, (33). |
Gossman, Jacob E., R2, sec 16, ac 200, sec 17, ac 80, ch Elizabeth, Coletta, Leo, (54). |
Gossman, John A., R2, sec 17, ac 80, sec 7, ac 60, wf Minnie, ch Clement, Le-land, Francis, Clodius, Mildred, Dor-is, (41). |
Gossman, W. W., R2, sec 7, ac 100, sec 8, ac 40, wf Rose, ch Irene, (38). |
Hanlon, Thomas, R2, sec 8, ac 160, sec 17, ac 80, wf Nellie, ch Reta, Ethel, Esther, Byron, May, uncle Michael, mother Hannorah, (40). |
Heales, L. C., R2, sec 9, ac 113, wf Bernice, (3). |
Johnson, Adolph, R2, sec 6, ac 73.35, wf Petra, ch Lillian, Cecelia, (10). |
Knox, M. A., R2, sec 29, ac 160, chJoseph, Nellie, Mary, (58). |
Knox, Emmet, R2, sec 20, ac 160, sec 21, ac 41, sec 29, ac 80, wf Anna, ch Harold, (26). |
Little, Josephine, R2, sec 10, ac 160, ch Harry, John, (2). |
Lunde, Knut J., R2, sec 10, ac 152, wf Carline, ch Gertrude, Goldie, Carl, Clifford, Otto, Maynard, Arthur, (3). |
Masters, G. H., R2, sec 22, ac 120, wf Edna, ch Nellie, Lyle, Vera, Victor, Ethel, (37). |
McCabe, Frank, R2, sec 20, ac 120, sec 19, ac 135, wf Anasta, ch Anton, Raymon, Leo, Madeline, Bernatt, Helen, Avitus, (46). |
McConnell, William E., R2, sec 15, ac 157, wf Ellen, (32). |
Peacock, W. H., R2, sec 16, ac 120, sec 15, ac 10, sec 22, ac 10, sec 21, ac 10, wf Gladys, ch Elton, (26). |
Pierce, Abe, R2, sec 22, ac 150, sec 21, ac 69, sec 23, ac 80, wf Grace, chVerlie, Leslie, Luella, Glenn, lona, Anita, Doris, (51). |
Pierce, Alonzo, R2, sec 18, ac 160, Fre-mont twp, sec 13, ac 31, wf Nettie, ch Frank, Ethel, (55). |
Pierce, Marcus, R2, sec 8, ac 80, sec 9, ac 40, wf Jennie, ch Lilah, Ray, Ora-bell, Markie, Dale, (55). |
Pollet, Charles, R2, sec 9, ac 120, wf Mabel, ch Myrtle, Nada, (7). |
Ramlo, William, R2, sec 8, ac 40, sec 8, ac 58, wf Hallie, ch Ronald, (2). |
Ryan, P. B.. R2, sec 19, ac 80, sec 18, ac 80, wf Julia, ch Phyllis, May, Dor-is, (26). |
Schultz, William, R2, sec 10, ac 80, sis-ter Minnie, (1). |
Snell, George M., R2, sec 9, ac 120, Bluffton twp, sec 4, 5, ac 180, wf Kate, ch Annie, Frank, Jane, Paul, Mable, Roy, Claude, (46). |
Snyder, Charles, R2, sec 17, ac 80, wf Olive, ch Perry, Kenneth, Hulda, Lyle, (34). |
Soma, I. C., R2, sec 8, ac 120, wf Josephine. |
Springmire, V. J., R2, sec 8, ac 78.50, wf Ida M., ch Lynn, Ivan, Leila, Earl, (4). |
Stockman, Mrs. Lottie, R2, sec 15, chFred, Perry. |
Sutton, E., R2, sec 21, ac 120, wf Kate, ch John, Frances, Mary, Bernard, (19). |
Townsend, Robert, R2, sec 15, ac 40, sec 22, ac 120, wf Jane, (59). |
Wade, J. S., R2, sec 21, ac 140, wf Edith, ch Bertha, Myrtle, (50). |
Ward, F. C., R2, sec 22, ac 80, sec 21, ac.40, wf Jennie, ch Violet, (55). |
Whalen, Joseph, R2, sec 7, ac 312, sec 18, ac 82, ch Paul, Agnes, Lewis, Patrick F., (58). |
Cresco Post Office |
Mathews, Edward, R1, sec .., ac 107, ch Bernard, Christe, Dan, Ruth, (43). |
Decorah Post Office. |
Erickson, Andrew, R3, sec 36, ac 123.2, wf Carrie, ch Carl, Fafe, William, Albert, Silas, Palma, Otto, Sherman, (43). |
Gocke, Edward, R3, sec 36, ac 40, sec 25, ac 45, sec 36, ac 10, wf Laura, chErvin, (2). |
Houck, W. H., R3, sec 36, ac 144, wf Ella, ch Frank Mable, (57). |
Jacobson, Mous, R3, box 41, sec 36, ac136.15, wf Ingeborg, ch Willie, Clar-ence, Selma, Alfred, (18). |
Krum, L. .G., R8, sec 35, ac 219, wf Alice, ch Louise, Kenneth, (31). |
Rice, Samuel. R3, sec 25, ac 108.9, sec 35, ac 18.7, sec 26, ac 40, Bluffton twp, sec 2, ac 10, wf Henrietta, (56). |
Smith, G. S, R3, sec 25, ac 131, sec 36, ac 20, wf Mira, ch Murrell wf Elsie(58). |
Prosper Post Office. |
Baker, G. W., see 11, ac 40, sec 14, ac80, (65). |
Fossett, Leonard S., sec 11, ac 40, sec 14, ac 80, wf Nellie, ch Lucile, (2). |
Headington, E. A., R1, sec 24, ac 125, wf Nellie, ch Victor, Clifford, (23). |
Manuel, Henry, sec 13, ac 160, wf Alice, ch Josiah, Bessie, Genevieve, Zora, Charlotte, Muriel, Marion, (20). "Sugar Maple Farm." |
Miller, Roy M., R1, sec 12, 13, ac 160, owns sec 10, 11, ac 151, wf Edna L., ch Charles, (39). |
Nash, Frank E., sec 13, ac 78, sec 24, ac 52, wf Grace, ch Bernard, Arthur, Earl, Marion, (45). |
Oxley, Ernest W., sec 14, ac 160, wf Grace, ch Aulden, (43). |
Pierce, Stephen E., sec 14, ac 80, sec 23, ac 80, wf Ethel, ch Willie, Alva, Elvah, (38). |
Rollins, Alvin, sec 11, ac 228, wf Eliz-abeth, ch Alvin G., Howard F., (50). "Fairview Stock Farm." |
Rollins, Franklin E., sec 12, ac 120, wf Sarah, (50). |
Rollins, James, R1, sec 12, ac 80, wf Florence, ch Eileen, (27). |
Rollins, John C., R1, sec 14, ac 80, wf Floyd, ch Dorothy, Dean, Dale, Del-nor, (30). |
Stead, Alva, sec 10, ac 80, rents sec 11, ac 80, sec 14, ac 160, sec 10, ac 40, wf Mary, ch Donald, Doris, (8). |
Stead, John, sec 15, ac 320, wf Beulah, (27). |
Stoskopf, William, R1, sec 13, ac 160, sec 24, ac 75, wf Nettie, ch Byron C., Florell 0., (42). |
Wilsie, G. H., sec 11, ac 125, sister Charity, (23). |
Wilsie, M. J., sec 11. |
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this page was last updated on
Sunday, 06 October 2013